
am I the P.A.?

am I the P.A.?
(watch the video::please wait ten to sixty seconds for it to load)

In the last post I mentioned that I was the line producer for this film The Deli. A line producer is someone who supervises the budget, oversees production, and works with the director to get them what they want. I really didn't do that but what I did do was help a little bit with the budget, I handled parking, transportation, equipment issues, craft services, catering, and was the 'producer' on set that handled communication with the location. I also made sure crazy fans that thought we were Rocky Balboa didn't interrupt the shoot (there were many who thought so, as we were shooting in South Philly at the same time as them . . .). All that said, during production, this all took about 1hr total of my time. What did I do the rest of the time? Well, someone needed to stay outside and watch the equipment. I did, by myself most of the time, in the cold, from 9ish to 4:30a. How did I stay up? Watch and find out.


sound on "the deli"

sound and paul
(click here or on the image)

I just spent the last two weekends working on this short student film called The Deli (Dir. Melanie Crescenz). As the line producer, I spent most of my time outside, watching equipment, taking care of parking, etc. But I managed to capture a little bit of the action inside. Here's a little bit about the sound department.