Sweartheart Video
(watch the video::please wait ten to sixty seconds)
This was my first music video shoot. Ted Passon was the director. Sweartheart the band. The videographer could only stay for the beginning of the day, so you will all miss the party scene. . . but its still worth seeing.
Sorry to make everyone miss out on the party...
And this is the first time I'm looking at your vlog with the appropriate browser, so I've never seen the cooler heading with Kat's picture. Awesome.
i think its weird that people get back pimples ... myself included
hola. sof here. got back last night from VT, wanted to get in touch so googled you... you mentioned you had a vid online. good stuff. have you shot super 8 ever? am doing a vid next month; if ur around looking for multi-tasking individuals (i.e., DP and co-producers) to work on it. hip hop. they want a film look but budget's pretty low, so thought giving 8 a try, had nice results for holocaust holocaust doing the flashback on reversal, printing as neg for the telecine. anyway my email is sofkhan@gmail.com probably looking at 2nd week of Sep. peace.
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